Saturday, 15 March 2025

Scots Common 15mm DBA Army

After having painted up Edward II's English army for Bannockburn, I had to complete his opponent's force - Robert the Bruce and his Scots Common Army (Book IV/16).  These were a kind Xmas present from Andy.  The figures are from Donnington Miniatures although the anachronistic artillery piece (which is in the Army List but for the later Scots' armies) is from Essex, and there is an AB Sassanid slinger making up the numbers in the Solid Horde element.  As usual, the figures are gloss varnished.

The pike schiltron

Glaswegian Warband and Scots Archers

Solid Horde on the left, or Fast Horde on the right

The baggage - beer supplies; or perhaps Irn Bro...  And the anachronistic artillery

The Bruce and his knights

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