Thursday, 26 December 2024

Eastern Patrician Roman 15mm DBA Army

Having recently completed an Early Byzantine army, I added some additional figures from Gladiator Games (Equities, Clibanarii, Auxilia Palatina) to morph it into an Eastern Patrician Roman army - Book II/82.

The General (Kn), Clibanarii (4Kn) and Equites (3Kn)

Eastern Legionaries

Auxilia Palatina and Mobile Baggage

Archers and Psiloi

Allied Hunnic Light Horse

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Early Byzantine 15mm DBA Army

Having recently re-read Robert Graves' 'Count Belisarius' and seeing the new range of Cromarty Forge Late Romans, I was inspired to paint up an Early Byzantine army for DBA 3.0.

The figures are a mix of Cromarty Forge (for the cavalry), Gladiator (for the huns, light archers and skutatoi) and Forged in Battle (for the auxilia and Goths).  As per usual the figures are painted in acrylics and gloss varnished.

Belisarius (on the left) with his Gothic federate

The army with all the options - essentially the choice is taking 5 x Cavalry or 5 x Light Horse, and the choice of the Gothic knights, or one element of auxiliary

The skutatoi (legionaries)

Allied Light Horse

Belisarius' cavalry, armed with lance and bow - plastic figures by Cromarty Forge